September 7, 2015

Ancestors of all Websters

Home Ancestors Pedigree   WebsterLine   AustinLine GowardLine Rade/ReedLine

This page gives information about the ancestors of the Websters who immigrated from Wymandham. Clicking the following links will download appropriate pdf files to your desktop. Double-click the pdf files to open the files for reading and printing.
The pedigree of Israel (James) Webster, Francis Webster, and William Webster comes from the work of Amy Leigh VanCott and Allen Wilford Leigh in the book Generations of Websters, which was published privately in 1960 by the Thomas Webster Family Organization in Cedar City, Utah. Their book is invaluable for anyone interested in the Utah Websters, especially during the years 1856-1960 (a new edition of the book is available via the Internet, but it doesn't have a genealogical section). Based partly on family papers and the journal of Francis Webster (1830 - 1906), the book also includes study of parish registers by clerks and clergy in England. Amy VanCott continued her research on the Websters and spouse families, and until her death. After August 1986 she added new data to her family group sheets, which are used here. Norma Leigh Rudinsky, another great grand daughter of Francis Webster, has built on this first work. 

With so much already done, Norma's effort was to confirm the earlier pedigrees, add to them if possible, identify relevant microfilms and microfiche at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, and make the results available on this website for other genealogists. The format she used to show the earliest family members was the Descent Chart, which has the advantage that it shows collateral family members such as siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles etc in addition to the direct ancestors i.e. parents, grandparents, great-grandparents etc. that are given in the usual pedigree. In addition, she used Descent Notes to cite documentary sources and to examine further “Possible” or “Likely” family members, which are thus labelled in the Descent Charts and Notes. This descent format was especially useful with the Webster wives’ lines in the Comman, Austin, Goward, and Read families.

We hope that any errors will be promptly reported, and that all the problems and puzzles here left open will be taken up with enthusiasm by others. In the Pedigree Chart and  Descent Charts given in this site, the abbreviation "A" or "a" means the christening date.

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