September 7, 2015

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Webster is a common surname in the UK and elsewhere, but there is not necessarily a relationship between persons having the Webster surname. It is likely that persons not related to each other adopted the surname Webster, because the name means a "weaver". People living in the UK during the centuries prior to the 19th century didn't travel great distances. This means that Websters coming from a particular area may be related, but it is unlikely that people living a relatively great distance from each other are related. Because of this, this blog focuses on Websters living in the Wymondham area.

Three migrations of Webster brothers from Wymondham are known. One brother migrated to Australia, and the other two brothers migrated to Utah, USA. This blog gives detailed information about the brothers, their ancestors, and their descendants. If other migrations of Websters from Wymondham become known, information about them will be added to this blog.

Unless noted otherwise, the genealogical data and notes of the Utah Websters were written by Norma Leigh Rudinsky, a great granddaughter of Francis Webster of Cedar City, Utah. The genealogical data and histories of the Australian Websters were provided by Dorothy Robinson, a great granddaughter of Israel (James) Webster, the older brother who migrated to Australia. This information was submitted as a rtf file, and that file is in the book called "Israel (James) Webster", available from Information about the Glen, the area of Australia panned for gold by Israel (James) Webster, was provided by Ron Forsyth and is in his book called "The Websters of the Glen". That book is available at

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